Careers Leader Support

Careers Leaders

Research shows that 3 or more career talks during a young person’s education positively impacts their attainment, with those less engaged or with lower academic attainment benefitting the most*. In addition, 4 or more encounters with volunteers from the world of work can reduce the chance of students becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). Careers talks and activities greatly enhance provision and will meet Gatsby Benchmarks 1,3,4,5,7 and 8.  

*Research from Motivated to achieve: How encounters with the world of work can change attitudes and improve academic achievement – Education and Employers

If you are looking for inspirational speakers or career ambassadors to embed activities into your careers programme try the following links, or contact your local enterprise partnership.


Supporting UK schools, colleges and universities to provide insight into the world of work

STEM Ambassadors supporting schools and colleges

As a school or college you can book a STEAM Ambassador to come into your classroom, either face-to-face or virtually, free of charge.

Education & Employers | Inspiring the Future

Inspiring the Future connects schools and colleges with in-person and virtual volunteers across a huge range of job levels and sectors, through their free-self-service portal.

Contact your local Enterpise Adviser Network

The network is formed of local business people who work one-to-one with school and college leaders, helping them develop effective employer engagement plans.

Berkshire Careers Hub

Transforming careers education for young people

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How to do your best in an interview

Perhaps you’re a graduate looking to improve your CV, or a back-to-work parent wanting to brush up on interview skills. The below links offer a range of useful hints, tips and advice on applying for jobs, the hiring process in general and on how best to sell your skills to stand out from the crowd.

Right for the role: Ways to tailor your CV

Firing off the same old CV time after time is a sure fire way to rule yourself out of the running for a job.

Asked to do a interview? Don’t panic

Find out how to prepare yourself for an interview here, leave your mark today!

How do you make your CV standout?

How to standout from the crowd with your CV.

Student SEND Zone

Support to Gain Access to Work

Access to Work is a Government fund for those in work with a long term health condition or disability, including Dyslexia. It provides funding to minimise any impact your condition may have on you at work and it does not cost you anything.

Looking for a job?

Supported Employment is a way of providing assistance to people with a disability who need extra support to move towards and into work. BASE member organisations have the specialist knowledge to give you this support.

Further Education

Showcasing Berkshire’s forward-thinking further education establishments.

Find your Berkshire opportunity

From jobs to open days, your journey starts here.

Skills Bootcamps

An amazing opportunity for learners to gain industry-specific skills and boost their job prospects.

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