For Employers

Discover everything you need as an employer in Berkshire
“Your first job is not just a paycheck; it’s a key to your future success.”

– Nelson Mandela 

Your Employer Guide

Research from the Education & Employers Taskforce and other sources shows that young people who have a greater exposure to employers whilst at school, achieve better employment outcomes.

The Berkshire Enterprise Adviser Network, a joint initiative by The Careers & Enterprise Company and the LEP, is formed of local business people who work one-to-one with school and college leaders, helping them to develop effective employer engagement plans, drawing on existing, local business networks.

The overall ambition is to bring together local schools and colleges and work closely with universities, training providers, employers and career professionals, to create a collaborative network where we can share and focus on best practice. To achieve these ambitious aims, we are encouraging key stakeholders to support us in the following ways

Employers – support and build a relationship with local schools and colleges by helping them shape their careers plan, create relevant resources and facilitate workplace-related activities to inspire and prepare young people for the world of work. Young people need to be able to interact with employers on a regular basis in a structured way, to learn about the career paths that may or may not suit them.

FE/HE/Apprenticeship providers – ensure that young people are aware of the range of routes and pathways post-16, both academic and vocational, and how these routes align to the local labour market. It is also important that they are provided with experiences and role models that help young people to understand the difference between these pathways so that they can better understand which is right for them.

Careers providers – connect with your local Careers Hub to demonstrate how your provision is aligned to the Gatsby Benchmarks and the local labour market. This will allow local schools and colleges to make informed choices about the most appropriate provision, that can also be tailored to the needs of their young people.

Volunteering Opportunities

Find out ways your business can support the next generation.

Eight out of ten of employers tell us that their engagement with education helps them to develop new talent pipelines.

We can help you identify simple, practical ways to work with schools, colleges and other education settings in your area.

Our Cornerstone Employers

SEND in the Workplace

All young people including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) should be supported to achieve their goals.

Support to Gain Access to Work

Access to Work is a Government fund for those in work with a long term health condition or disability, including Dyslexia. It provides funding to minimise any impact your condition may have on you at work and it does not cost you anything.

Looking for a job?

Supported Employment is a way of providing assistance to people with a disability who need extra support to move towards and into work. BASE member organisations have the specialist knowledge to give you this support.

Find your Berkshire opportunity

From jobs to open days, your journey starts here.

Skills Bootcamps

An amazing opportunity for learners to gain industry-specific skills and boost their job prospects.

Related news

Teacher Encounters at Mars Wrigley: Bridging Education and Industry in Berkshire

Berkshire Careers Hub facilitated a successful Teacher Encounters event at Mars Wrigley’s Slough facility, where nine local teachers gained firsthand insights into manufacturing careers and apprenticeship opportunities. The day-long immersive experience demonstrated the program’s effectiveness in strengthening connections between education and industry, benefiting both teachers and employers in preparing students for future careers.

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