Changing Education Group is a premier provider of innovative work experience solutions designed specifically for schools and colleges across the UK. Our goal is to ensure that students are well-prepared and confident as they embark on their future careers.
Careers Leaders Resources
FT FLIC’S Financial Literacy Curriculum
Financial Times’ Financial Literacy and Inclusion campaign has built a free comprehensive curriculum accredited by the PSHE Association covering financial topics from budgeting and borrowing to cryptocurrency.
Springpod Unlocked
Springpod have just relaunched their Springpod Unlocked content developed in partnership with the Department for Education ‘Skills for Life’ campaign.
Purlos – AI careers and destinations tools
The #1 Destinations & Outcome Management Platform for Education and Employability Providers.
Creative Careers Hub
Free resources crafted to inspire students exploring careers in the creative industries.
Virtual Work Experiences
Virtual Work Experiences is a free service covering 110+ careers provides fun exploratory activities for students and goes a long way to providing answers to finding, affirming, and developing a student’s career choice.
SEND Careers Handbook
We have included a range of helpful resources which can be accessed for FREE from the Trotman Publishers website.
The Young Entrepreneurs Challenge
Could Your Business Idea Change The World?
Berkshire Careers Hub Impact Report
This Impact Report celebrates our achievements over the past five years and illustrates the value of our collaborations.