
Future Skills Questionnaire

The Future Skills Questionnaire gives learners the opportunity to reflect on their career-related knowledge and skills.

The Future Skills Questionnaire gives students the opportunity to reflect on their career-related knowledge and skills. The tool can inform continuous improvement and impact evaluation. Scroll to the bottom for useful links.

Why should this be important to you? The Future Skills Questionnaire is a “tick in the box” for what you are already doing, confirming that you and your students are on the right track, as well as contributing to benchmark 1.

“An effective careers programme is tailored to the audience. With the FSQ we can amend the careers programme based on the students’ previous experiences and aspirations. I want to use it to identify the gaps and to celebrate the positives.” – Careers Leader

The Careers & Enterprise Company’s goal was to achieve the following:

  • A short, accessible questionnaire that tracks the progress of learners throughout secondary education
  • Coverage of key aspects of knowledge, skills and attitudes that are important for successful transitions and careers
  • Simple data insight that supports targeted intervention, evaluation of career programmes and identifies the impact of careers education.

Five versions of the FSQ are available and have been designed to reflect the expected careers knowledge and essential at key points of transition. This allows students to engage with the age-appropriate questions building on each stage of their careers journey and tracking their progress over time. Having students complete the questionnaires from Year 7 can support you in identifying early on students who may be at risk of not making a positive transition, identifying barriers and areas for support and tracking their progress over time.

The Future Skills Questionnaire is designed for use within Compass+ to allow Careers Leaders to view the results alongside MIS, destinations and careers activity information. This includes the functionality to select learners and send out questionnaires, as well as colourful and engaging digital questionnaires for learners.

How we can help

Our platform is designed to seamlessly guide you towards valuable resources, offer career insights, and provide essential information on Berkshire’s thriving economy.

For Students

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for today.

For Employers

Your first job is not just a paycheck; it's a key to your future success.

For Educators

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

For Parents & Carers

Parents are the ultimate role models for children. Every word, movement and action has an effect.
