Hundreds of schools have used Virtual Work Experiences to ignite a passion for careers with their students.
Virtual Work Experiences is a free service covering 110+ careers provides fun exploratory activities for students and goes a long way to providing answers to finding, affirming, and developing a student’s career choice.
UK research has shown the foundation of a student’s career choice were laid as early as age 12.
Delivery takes 5 minutes and it can be extended into fun lesson based learning. Suitable for all ability levels and year groups. Students receive a Certificate and support for an Employer Reference.
Developed by the Australian Careers service JobJump, the main careers service for over 500 Australian High Schools, VWE is being offered for all schools in the United Kingdom and across Australia, New Zealand and the US. It is a bequest to be provided for decades to come.
We invite you to watch their free half-hour webinar introducing you to Virtual Work Experiences. In it, you’ll see the benefits Virtual Work Experiences can bring to your Careers Advising, and how you can introduce the program into your school.